Women have been known to bear many challenges both physically and mentally at almost every stage of life. At the time of puberty, when the menstruation cycle begins, while delivering kids at the time of pregnancy and then when the menstrual cycle ends; even then, women bodies undergo a lot of changes. For some, it is less troublesome; for others, it may be unbearable.
About Menopause - The time when the menstrual cycle or periods end is known as Menopause. It is a natural process that every woman undergoes. The menstrual cycle begins and ends on its own. For some women, it might be more painful than others.
Menopause may happen any time after the woman crosses 40 years of age; the average age for Menopause is 51 years in the United States. Generally, if a woman skips periods for up to a year, it means it will end.
Some women are lucky for whom Menopause means not many changes and fewer pains, but for others, it might mean hot flashes, less hair on the head, insomnia, mood swings, vaginal dryness, night sweats, weight gain and more.
There have been remedies that women undergo, but most women prefer natural treatment for menopause side effects. Go ahead as we take you through some easy and effective natural menopause treatments that work.

1. Do exercise regularly
It is observed that women who exercise regularly are less likely to face difficulty during Menopause. If you have a busy work schedule and cannot exercise daily, you may aim for working out at least thrice a week.
One should also include Yoga, breathing exercises and meditation to relax your mind and body; these will help your mood changes and sleeplessness.
2. Change your lifestyle: Smoking and drinking alcohol worsen your hot flushes, so it is wise to limit your consumption or, if possible, quit these habits.
3. Drink Sage tea
Drinking sage tea is a traditional way of reducing the effect of night sweats and hot flashes. You may also consume sage as an oral supplement or in oil form.
4. Apply Coconut oil
Skin changes and vaginal dryness is widespread trouble faced by women. Applying coconut oil is the best treatment at home to fight this off. Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory benefits and antifungal properties that also help you fight vaginal odor.
5. Consume Soy diet
The soy isoflavones are equally effective in reducing hot flashes like estrogen. One must include the appropriate amount of soy in their daily diet.
6. Calcium, Protein and Vitamin-D rich diet
Women post 30’s years of age start losing calcium from their body. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that helps in absorbing calcium and helps in building bones.
Estrogen level decline during the process of Menopause may result in fracture. A protein-rich diet helps in muscle and bone formation.
7. Ginseng for weight control
The ginseng plant is known as an antioxidant for its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to improve the overall woman health during Menopause – stress reduction, enhance the immune system. It contains an adaptogen element that enhances a person physically and mentally by resisting internal and external stress.
Natural remedies have helped many women benefit from the side effects of menopause, and these suggestions are not medicinal, so they do not have any side effects. Adopting the above mentioned have helped women lead healthy life.
If natural remedies do not seem helpful, you must visit a medical practitioner who can examine your case on an individual level.
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