



Treating Lower Back Pain with Acupuncture

July 25, 2022 - admin

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treating lower back

Lower back pain is one of the most reported complaints to health practitioners. From teenagers to adults, many people face pain in the lower back part which disrupts their life. This pain if not taken care can increase and become extremely troublesome.

Lower back pain can range from mild, dull pain to extremely annoying pain which can mess up your daily routine. Lower back pain can be acute or chronic in nature. Acute pain lasts for 3-4 days whereas chronic pain can last for more than 3 months.

Some common symptoms of lower back pain are:

  • Pain in the pelvis and hips
  • Pain that travels to the legs and feet
  • Pain that worsens after sitting for a prolonged time
  • Pain that feels better after changing positions
  • Pain that is at its peak after waking up and gets better after moving around

Lower back pain may develop suddenly or during the course of time. An injury might cause lower back pain to develop immediately or after a course of time. Whatever may be the reason, acupuncture is one of the very effective methods to treat lower back pain.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a famous Chinese method that is used to relieve pain. The person who deals with acupuncture is called an acupuncturist. An acupuncturist inserts thin steel needles in multiple points of a person’s body which are known as “acupoints”. These needles are known to rebalance the energy or “qi” of a person. The needles further release chemicals into the body to fight the pain.

How can I treat my lower back pain with acupuncture?

Acupuncture is not an uncommon method now for treating aches and especially lower back pain. Though it finds its roots in the Chinese community, a huge western population is shifting towards it because of its prime benefits and since it has lasted for very long.

But how does acupuncture causes relief from lower body pain?

Acupuncture involves inserting needles at specific pressure points. There are certain “energy centers” or meridians that affect the body’s functions. In acupuncture, the needles are inserted in such meridians. These may include but are not limited to hands, feet, hips, lower back, etc. Each needle affects a specific area since acupuncture is more of localized treatment. These needles when inserted in specific nerve clusters help to relieve tension and pain.

Why is Acupuncture Treatment effective?

Release of Neurotransmitters

There are certain hormones that get activated when the body detects the entry of the needles. When an acupuncturist enters needles in the body, certain hormones are produced which help in the functioning of the nerve endings. When such nerve endings are affected, the treatment can trick the body to shut off the areas so that the patient doesn’t feel any pain. But this treatment is not permanent. The neurotransmitters regrow when given enough time. For consistent relief in pain, it is important to take the acupuncture treatment again and again till the time the body starts ignoring the pain and or numbing the pain.

Effect on Nervous System

It is believed that when the acupuncturist makes meridians with needles it causes the brain to shift attention to these points instead of the point which is triggering the pain. This might give you temporary relief but once you start taking the acupuncture treatment regularly, the effect may be long-lasting.

Releasing pain-relieving chemicals

Acupuncture triggers the centers of the body that release pain-relieving chemicals. These chemicals may help during active trauma but they may not be very helpful in removing chronic pain. If you take the treatment or acupuncture for a long time over a wider area of your body then it may be helpful in releasing natural pain relievers over a larger part of your body.

While these chemicals are not very strong still with regular acupuncture sessions your acupuncturist can control their release which can prove to be very effective over a long period of time.

Studies show that acupuncture is one of the most effective methods of lower back pain treatment for chronic pain. But it is important that you take the treatment in the right way to achieve promising results.

What should you take care of while taking acupuncture treatment?

Repeat sessions for a long-lasting effect

Unlike medication or injections, acupuncture doesn’t work as a single-use treatment. The acupuncture sessions have to be repeated again and again. While this is okay for the people who have access to and can afford the treatment, it can be a problem for the people who cannot afford to take repeated sessions.

If you take the acupuncture session just once, it is highly likely that the benefits will not stick for long. The benefits may need to be reapplied so that the effective outcomes can stick and relieve pain for a longer time.

Visit trained acupuncturist

The greatest risk with acupuncture is getting your treatment with an untrained acupuncturist. This can have negative risks. This can include nerve damage, damage to internal organs, and increased pain or discomfort. It is highly recommended that you go to a trained acupuncturist with proper qualifications.


Acupuncture is a very effective method for lower back treatment that is taken from the right source. Long and repeated sessions can help you to decrease the pain to a great extent. Just remember to check the reviews for the acupuncturist before your visit to land in the right place and get immediate results.

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