Radiation free thermography is an in-office procedure in which a heat-sensing infrared camera is used to record the surface heat produced by different parts of the body.
Medical Thermography is a system using a highly technical and non-contact infrared camera to capture and record temperature variations on the skin, the largest organ of the body. As such, the surface of the skin provides vital information that is directly influenced by complex metabolic and vascular activity, including micro-circulation, below the surface via the sympathetic nervous system.
These patterns of activity vary in intensity and distribution over each body region, represented by images with variation in colors. Detection of variations in skin temperature allows for recognition of asymmetric, abnormal or suspicious thermal patterns over a specific area or region of interest. Changes of these patterns may be recognized by the interpreter as abnormal physiology or function.
The FDA accepts the following indications for use: “Thermography is intended for use as an adjunct to other clinical diagnostic procedures for quantifying and screening of differences in skin surface temperature changes.” Simple and so complete. It covers the whole body.
It can be used with any other test. That could be ultrasound, x-ray, mammogram, MRI, CT scan. The FDA identifies thermography as an adjunct to mammography, anyone who has ever had a mammogram may also have a thermogram! But Thermography should not replace a mammogram!